Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma

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Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (JNA) is a benign vascular neoplasm of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx that classically presents in adolescent boys.


Relevant Anatomy

Disease Etiology




Patient History

Physical Examination

Laboratory Tests


[Text about imaging choices]

There are several classification systems that have been proposed for JNAs based on imaging findings.

Chandler Classification for Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibromas
Classification System Stage I Stage II Stage III Stage IV Stage V
Andrews[1] Confined to NP Invading one of the following with evidence of bony erosion: PPF, MS, ES, or SS Invading ITF or orbit
IIIa: No intracranial extension
IIIb: Extradural (parasellar) extension
Intradural extension
IVa: No infiltration of CS, PF, or OC
IVb: Infiltration of CS, PF, or OC
Chandler Confined to NP Extension into the nasal cavity, SS, or both Extension into any of the following: antrum, ES, PMF, ITF, orbit, or cheek Intracranial extension --
Radkowski [2] IA: Confined to nose or NP
IB: extends into one or more sinuses
IIa: minimal extension into medial PMF
IIb: full occupation of PMF with local mass effect
IIc: extension into ITF, cheek, or posterior to pterygoid plates
Erosion of skull base:
IIIa: minimal skull base involvement
IIIb: extensive intracranial extension, with or without invasion into CS
-- --
Onerci [3] Nose, NP, ES, and SS or minimal extension into PMF MS involvement, full occupation of PMF, extension to anterior cranial fossa, limited extension into ITF Deep extension into cancellous bone at pterygoid base or body and GW of sphenoid, significant lateral extension into ITF or pterygoid plates, orbital involvement, CS obliteration Intracranial extension between pituitary gland and ICA, tumor localization lateral to ICA, middle fossa extension and extensive intracranial extension --

Differential Diagnosis


Medical Management

Surgical Management





  1. Andrews JC, Fisch U, Aeppli U, Valavanis A, Makek MS. The surgical management of extensive nasopharyngeal angiofibromas with the infratemporal fossa approach. The Laryngoscope. 1989 Apr;99(4):429-37.
  2. Radkowski D, McGill T, Healy GB, Ohlms L, Jones DT. Angiofibroma: changes in staging and treatment. Archives of Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery. 1996 Feb 1;122(2):122-9.
  3. Onerci M, Oğretmenoğlu O, Yücel T. Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma: a revised staging system. Rhinology. 2006 Mar 1;44(1):39-45.